Yesterday I invited on my TV show a representative of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), ...

Corruption is an Abomination. It is the source of all evil facing mankind. In Uganda, ...

No doubt we, as activists and those more professional media practitioners have tried and will ...

What is happening in Burundi is horrendous. The suffering of the Burundian people is an ...

“And Peter said to Jesus [in excitement], ‘Lord, it is wonderful that we are here. ...

Today the Rwandan Senate passed the proposed draft constitution that will be presented for Referendum ...

‘We shall not allow people to snore next to our bed’ –Mandarin Proverb Our Dear ...

Les Bourgeois c’est comme les cochons, plus ça devient vieux, plus ça devient bête’ -Jacques ...

‘My young brother, I can call you young brother because I am slightly older than ...

On 26th May 2003, a new constitution was promulgated, against the backdrop of genocide, by ...