A tribute to my Uncle Musafiri Ntwali Ruhumuliza
Rwandan Independence Day doesn’t mean much to me – or at least nothing worth celebrating- that’s the day my grandparents were being chased like animals and killed. My real independence is on the 4th of July when, I and my people finally returned to the land of my ancestors after 30 years of exile. Even then, I live it with mixed feelings, because we returned to find that our relatives left behind in Rwanda had all been massacred.. But we were home at last, and that’s what mattered. We were going to build a brand new Rwanda, where all its children would feel at home. As I write this, 23 years later, we are half-way through that dream and I am proud to report that my country and my people are at peace.
Good piece of writing (informative, grounded in the experience and straight to the point). Many thanks to your uncle.
If you could reconsider your position on the ‘Independance of Rwanda'(cfr the first sentence of the piece), It would make you a better rwandan and a more balanced up-coming intellectual (I have been trying to follow your interventions these last days in media). that is in case you think that the truth, and not interests (be they personal, collective, current or future) will make our country stronger. If you define yourself as a politician, ignore this.
Thanks and regards