On this day of the 1st of July I remember ONE Rwanda

On this day of the 1st of July I remember,

I remeber my grand uncles, aunties, cousins, other Rwandans that were killed in the name of the so-called ‘revolution’.

I remember 30 long years of painful exile; I remember the ‘inyenzis’ who died attempting to bring us back home to Rwanda;
I remember those who refused to side with the killers and chose to go to exile instead of betraying the national cause of the Banyarwanda!

Yes, today I remember the beginning of the Genocide against the Tutsi;

I remember Hutus, Moderate, Royalists and Nationalists; All heros whom I salute today;

I remember the day that Rwanda, as imagined by Gihanga wa hanze Urwanda, was destroyed.

So I commemorate this day of the 1st of July like a Jewish pass-over;

Now that we are all home, Hutus, Tusis and Twas, living together, peacefully in our country;

To all of you, without distinction: Hutus, Tutsis and Twas I say:

have a day of reflection; God bless and protect you, I love you! God bless ONE Rwanda
