The daughter of a General. I learned of General Bayingana before I met him. I ...

“Only the struggle frees” – Thomas Sankara. Rwandan and Mozambican armies’ recent victories in Cabo ...

The foreign commentary on Rwandan army’s deployment in Mozambique has been anti-revolutionary. I have written ...

When you name vital global principles after your capital city, you have got to have ...

The Rwanda liberation struggle had fathers and mothers A Tribute… By Christine Nyinawumwami Umutoni. On ...

Not to fret! I don’t mean ‘hang’ literally. All is well in Kigali, this is ...

‘And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to ...

‘If left unpunished, criminals write their memoirs’, an old aphorism goes. These memoirs often aim ...

By Sila Cehreli and Gatete Nyiringabo Ruhumuliza Introduction. Michela Wrong is a British journalist and ...