
I am a researcher, a business lawyer and a writer. I am a Senior fellow in the Institute of Policy Analysis and Research – Rwandan Think Tank that evaluates government’s annual performance and a member of the Rwandan Bar Association.

I wrote a book: ‘Whispering to Tigers: Advocacy in Sub-Saharan Africa’ (being published), a booklet: ‘Amahoro: Building peace in Rwanda’ (2014) and contributed to two others: ‘We are Rwanda’ (2014), and a comparative narrative of Rwanda, Uganda and Ethiopia’s post-conflict political trajectory, due in September 2020. I published several peer-reviewed scientific articles. I am a columnist for Al-Jazeera, The East African, Jeune Afrique, and the New Times 

I am a ghost-writer of speeches and Op-Eds for African Heads of State and senior executives, and a book reviewer for African Authors.

I read law, politics and economics, I speak Portuguese, English, French and Kiswahili.

You can contact me on tgatete@gmail.com and follow @gateteviews