Belgium: A recruiting cell for African terrorists and killers.

Children of Genocide perpetrators and genocide ideologues use their Belgian citizenship to carry on with their parents’ agenda..

Ordinarily, intelligence is a component of security and a critical attribute of the State. Intelligence is also a device of diplomacy and geopolitics as it enables governments to understand how to deal with friends, enemies, intelligence in brief, enables a government to understand the world.

Every year governments allocate important budget lines to intelligence. And it comes in many forms: Media, for instance is a tool of intelligence as it enables states to present themselves to the world and hold sway in the minds of citizens of other nations, and that is called ‘soft power’.

Granted some African countries have chosen to outsource their intelligence and national security programs to superpowers of this world. These are the least stable African nations, have recurrent security challenges and precarious governments. Fortunately, Rwanda isn’t one of them. 

Located in arguably one of the most insecure regions of the world, Rwanda has managed to keep its territory safe and secure, where residents walk and exercise at any hour of day and night, free from worry. Foreigners too chose Rwanda as an attractive destination for important conferences, memorable honeymoons and relaxing vacations. And security is not only guaranteed to humans; Mountain Gorillas for instance, are persuaded that they should stay on the Rwandan side of the Virunga park – understandably so – while they run the risk of being poached or domesticated on other sides of the volcano park, on the Rwandan side birthday and naming parties are thrown for them in the presence of TV stars, billionaire philanthropists and top models…

How did we manage to create a side of paradise amid regional security chaos? – to quote Rwandan President Paul Kagame:‘we do intelligence, we do it well. We know a lot about our enemies. We know a lot about those supporting our enemies. So we intend to continue [gathering intelligence].’

But we do not need intelligence to know that the Belgian territory serves as a relay for our enemies and their supporters. They feel so safe and supported that they do it in the open; in universities, churches, political parties and in the media.

We were all baffled last week, when videos surfaced showing Rwandans dancing with abandon, in a requiem mass in Belgium celebrated in ‘loving memory’ of Sylvestre Mudacumura, a notorious genocide perpetrator and terrorist, killed days before in Eastern DRC by the Congolese army: 

‘We are all gathered here to celebrate the life Sylvestre who was like a father to all of us…’ – one man is heard in the video. No Belgian police, Interpol of even the belgian army felt the need to deploy at the church and make arrests of those ‘ideological children’ who openly support the FDLR, a militia on Rwandan, UN, US and Interpol lists of terrorists with multiple international arrest warrants on its leaders. If he was celebrated in his death, one can only imagine how Sylvestre Mudacumura used to be welcomed whenever he visited Belgium to collect funding, and possibly weapons to use on poor Congolese villagers in Eastern DRC.

Among those ‘children’ of Mudacumura peacefully living in Belgium are members of mobilization cells and fundraising networks for the FDLR – all acting without fear – except perhaps of the Rwandan spies.

I haven’t seen videos of a mosque in Belgium gathering all ‘children’ of Abubakr Al Bagdadi to celebrate his life, after the US President announced his killing.

This is the country faking outrage to the presence of Rwandan intelligence officers on its territory – allegedly intimidating opposition. All Western Embassies have one or two Military Attachés posted in Rwanda. But Belgium has four or five. Guess what they do all day in Kigali… Yet there are no Belgian terrorists harbored on Rwandan territory.

Now let us take a look at those whom Belgian media calls Rwandan opposition. Some of them are the aforementioned churchgoers, others are genocide perpetrators in hiding, their offspring – now Belgian citizens – who have taken up their parent’s sinister mission of genocide revisionism and denial. Their job? Mobilizing funds and support for terrorist movements in Eastern Democratic of Congo, Burundi and Uganda and intimidate genocide survivors living in the West, who would like to reveal the presence of genocide perpetrators on European and American territories and testify against them in court.

Let me illustrate: before being killed Sylvestre Mudacumura was visited by the group of children of genocide perpetrators called Jambo ASBL, all the way from Belgium. They filmed themselves in Congo’s forests with their terrorist ‘father’, presenting him as a hero fighting for their cause and posted the video on YouTube. 

Children of Genocide perpetrators and genocide ideologues use their Belgian citizenship to carry on with their parents’ agenda..
Children of Genocide perpetrators and genocide ideologues use their Belgian citizenship to carry on with their parents’ agenda..

Was any of those young men arrested or even brought in for questioning upon their return on Belgian soil? Nope! On the contrary, they later vied for seats in the Belgian parliament and were only ejected after we Rwandans had protested to the different Belgian political parties which had put them on their electoral lists.

Imagine some of those European Jihadists filming themselves in a beheading ceremony in Syria and posting the video on Youtube, then happily returning to Europe to continue recruiting for, and sanitizing the Islamic State…

The same Jambo ASBL fought and lost against the promulgation of a law criminalizing genocide denial and revisionism in Belgium. Although the law was passed, they still continue genocide revisionism in violation of the said law, without being disturbed by the Belgian justice system. The same Jambo ASBL members have just published a story ridiculing genocide survivors who appeared as witnesses in an ongoing trial of one Fabien Neterse a high ranking official in the defeated genocide regime, being prosecuted for genocide, extermination and crimes against humanity in Belgium. Every year, conferences are held in Universities revising the Genocide against the Tutsi, YouTube channels full of genocide ideology abound in Belgium.

Seasoned Belgian Journalist Marc Hoogsteyns believes that the timing of the article about Rwandan spies ‘playing in Belgium’ is meant to create misunderstandings about Neretse’s genocidal acts and exert pressure on the Belgian judges hearing the case. I agree with him.

So while I have no proof of the existence of Rwandan spies on Belgian territory, I believe Rwandans wouldn’t mind that their taxes are used to track the fundraising and mobilization cells of the FDLR, RNC, FDU, etc., in Belgium – and in this, I believe I am speaking for Congolese who suffer from the terror of FDLR, and for Belgian citizens who would be shocked to hear that their country’s churches and Universities have become ‘madrassas’ for genocidaires and their media turned into conspirators of the Genocide against the Tutsi.

On this too I am speaking for every peace-loving citizens of this world. 

Tout compte fait– as belgians would say – Belgium needs Rwandan intelligence to help them be rid of the evil in their midst.