Now what? Are they going to kill him like Gaddafi?

We all watched in awe as Museveni signed that terrible anti-gay bill into law. I thought it was reckless to play hate-mongering politics, at the cost of innocent lives. It really was retrogressive step in an already hostile legal and political environment, such as that of Uganda

Now, my reading of situation is that Obama was an arrogant buffoon to publicly threaten Museveni; in doing so, he actually speed up the signing process. After his remarks, I was now convinced that Museveni had no choice but to solemnly and sensationally sign the bill into law – to save face and satisfy his electorate. Now he is seen as an African hero of some sort by his people.

However, he knows that the aid cuts and turning into an international pariah will hurt Uganda. So what is going to happen: The human rights community is going to challenge that anti-gay law in Court. Then the Ugandan Courts will repeal it. So everybody will be happy; Museveni will announce that as a ‘democratic president’, he respects courts’ decisions. All the blame goes onto Judges – no one knows them anyway; Museveni comes out on top, and international community reestablishes friendship.

What people should do at this stage, is to support the Court petition, go through Museveni’s friends like presidents Kagame or Dlamini Zuma the African Union’s presindent. Also, a trip by Desmon Tutu, and/or Gracia Machel (the widow of Samora and Mandela) at the Court hearings for example, would be a strong and healthy support. And in the meantime – for the love of God, someone keep Obama’s mouth shut! If that’s possible…

Please see an elaborate analysis and the way forward here

Posted 1st March 2014