Visa permanently approved; in Rwanda…

My little sister Rahel,

I received your sample visa application letter. When I read it, I cried…

Sweetie, no one wants you to return to Ethiopia immediately upon your visit to Rwanda. No one gives you time limit here. Rwanda wants you to come, and if you like it, stay, settle, work and prosper!

That visa letter you sent me is redundant. You need not apply for a visa. Just come and buy it upon arrival.

If you go to the Rwandan Embassy in Bole Rwanda and say you want to come to Rwanda, to party and enjoy yourself, or just because you love Rwandans, they will hug you and give you a visa; you remember that Rwandan lady we met at the embassy on my last trip to Ethiopia? Find her and tell her that.

No African should be forced to have a letter like that while travelling to another African Country; no human should be forced to have a letter like that while going to see fellow humans.

Why would we be so eager to see you leave? Who, in his right mind, would not enjoy the visit of such an adorable person as you? What has this world come to?

Also, you will not be staying at a hostel inn. You will be staying at our home, with my family… Oh God!

For all I know, I found myself here by accident; how can I deny you? How can I deny anyone the opportunities that this land offers? How can I deny myself the opportunities that your visit offers?

You, a blessing in disguise;

You, a loving, charming, caring, warm person;

You, a new, different, interesting, exciting young girl;

You, a talented, gifted, blessed, educated, intelligent person;

You, a beautiful, exotic, natural, Ethiopian, African, black, magic woman.

Who in their sane mind can tell you to leave?

Who can shut the door in your face?

If you come, Rwandair flight attendants will love you;

When you land, migration officers will smile at you;

My family will adore you,

Come to Rwanda anytime; leave when you want and comeback again. You are here at home, and we’ll be thrilled to have you around, for as long as you want;

Open invitation, permanent visa: All granted!

Posted 8th May