The bible says that food of life should not be given to dogs. My take ...

Thomas Hobbes described the life of man as solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short. – ...

Dear police, Caligula[1][1] once said of Romans: ‘Oderint dum metuant’– they may hate me so ...

Think of these schools as Chinese I-Phones; they look like original I-Phones, but they are ...

If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail to ...

The Arab spring turned out to be an Arab nightmare, from which some like Tunisia ...

When I met Mike Campbel and Louis Fick, the white Zimbabweans who’s land had been ...

There is an old rock song from the early 90s by a group named ‘The ...

After such a long time hearing what you do and seeing what you post on ...

At the peack of the mountain dividing Kenya, Somalia and Ethiopia, on a dark stormy ...