I want to know how you feel, I want to feel your pain, so that together we can overcome it. ...

Early last year, I traveled northwards along the Red Sea throughout the horn, seeking for my trace in the bible. ...

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” –Aristotle In addition to really wise sages I have encountered in my ...

  Je viens de loin. Et aujourd’hui, je sais regarder loin d’où je viens et j’essaie aussi de regarder loin ...

Mutahi Ngunyi, a well known Kenyan writer and political scientist once told me: ‘Gacaca – he calls me that: ‘In ...

Let me take a moment to wish a happy birthday to this man: Vincent Bagirishya Ndandari. Him and Mama Nono ...

No doubt we, as activists and those more professional media practitioners have tried and will continue to cover Burundi. The ...

This is the story of a white witch, who cast a spell on the blacks who refused to pay him ...

Cher Thomas, Aujourd’hui j’ai eu 33 ans, comme toi le jour ou tu pris le pouvoir. Meme si nous menons ...

“If we do not talk about it, if we do not remember, then the world will never know. And that ...