Don’t turn your back on Burundians!

Helicopter of the Rwanda Defense Force putting of fire in the Bujumbura market
Helicopter of the Rwanda Defense Force putting of fire in the Bujumbura market

Helicopter of the Rwanda Defense Force putting off fire in the Bujumbura market

I couldn’t end my day without saying this: I, and many young people in this country are not with you in your decision to ‘transfer’ Burundian refugees to a third country.

I want all Burundians to know that we, the Rwandan youth are not signing up to this decision.

I am sure you have found some politically correct explanation to justify what you are doing, or that you are playing some very clever political chess game here, but we see what you are doing…

The truth is, you have no right to even think it. It defies everything we stand for as Rwandans. Everyday we all find plausible, even brilliant explanations to not do the right thing, but it remains what it is: Burundians came to Rwanda in a moment of need and you are telling them to leave!

What? The going has gotten tough and you want to find excuses to tell your own people, your blood, to leave your house? What did you learn from the ‘Nyange students’? – Whom you have even made Rwandan heroes. Heroism isn’t supposed to be a bed of roses, is it?

Do you know how many people where turned away during the genocide, because those who were supposed to hide them came up with a really strong excuse: ‘Nitubahisha natwe baratwica…’ (If we hide you, they will kill us too…)


A Rwandan Officer defying the rain to accomplish his duty

I spent all my childhood in exile because politicians where finding clever excuses to deny me of my country; I am not teaching you anything, you were there! and If it weren’t for Burundians, maybe we wouldn’t be here, in our country today…

I am proud of my country, my people and you my leaders, because I like to think you would never turn your back on anyone, be it: Burundians, Congolese, Arab, White, Chinese; anyone, human, who would be in need of shelter and solace. That is the very meaning of ‘Urwanda’ and ‘Ubuntu’.

Ariko, ubukotanyi bwagiyehe? Do jackets and ties make people forget the aim and vision of their fight; the meaning of their very existence?

Which country, in your opinion, you think will welcome or respect Burundians, after their own brothers and sisters have rejected them?

I have been in approval with every war you have waged and are still waging today. I have defended each one of them! Be it going into Congo, or maintaining peace across the world, because I am convinced you were always in the right. You were doing the right thing; you were taking a stand against injustice! You have always taken a strong stand against injustice.

What happened this time? People write a few reports, make a few speeches and you tell your brothers to depart? Is that how it is going to be from now on? I thought we could also write back, stand our ground, etc. If that is the case, then my job is done here…

I hope no country steps up to receive them, which is what is likely to happen, and which will prove to you once again that: No one really cares about you and your brothers! You only got yourselves.

Take a look at those two pictures – and I like to think they are not Photoshopped: That’s my idea of who you are. Now ask yourselves: ‘Is the decision to transfer Burundian refugees reflected by any of these pictures?’