“When asked his opinion on western civilization, Ghandi once remarked; ‘what a wonderful idea!’ Many ...

Today the Rwanda Civil Society Platform published a position paper entitled: The Rwandan Civil Society ...

Yesterday I went to see  Intore – My identity, the new documentary film, by Eric ...

The Rwandan civil society is weak. That is everyone’s perception. At the launch of a ...

(6) I will never smile again. In this Rwanda I lost what’s most precious; They ...

“If we are convinced the other fellow can’t sing, we have only to call his ...

Building coalition: An effective advocacy strategy should start by bringing together all stakeholders relevant to ...

This is a letter to my friend, colleague and fellow blogger from South Sudan: Dr. ...

We all watched in awe as Museveni signed that terrible anti-gay bill into law. I ...

Abstract Men have managed to impose that dominance as a norm, naturally – God endowed ...