Imagine President Kagame is in Davos. He has chaired one of the panels on world’s economics, had a successful dinner ...

La Prince elle dit…’ (The Prince says…) –Brazilian football legend Leonardo, now director of French club PSG, translating ‘the money language’ ...

Robert Mugabe is the reason I started blogging. My first blog ever was about him. I have never been ashamed ...

Every morning I receive an e-mail titled: ‘Today in Parliament’, sent by the parliament’s communication person. The e-mail aims to ...

The eternal rivalry between realpolitik and supreme principles is known to all freedom fighters and seasoned politicians, all those who’ve ...

The problem with writing rebuttals to western ‘Experts on Africa’, whose entire expertise lies in adding their names to new ...

Yesterday I invited on my TV show a representative of the National Electoral Commission (NEC), Mrs Kansanga Olive, Head of ...

Corruption is an Abomination. It is the source of all evil facing mankind. In Uganda, Nigeria, South Africa, and especially ...

No doubt we, as activists and those more professional media practitioners have tried and will continue to cover Burundi. The ...

What is happening in Burundi is horrendous. The suffering of the Burundian people is an indictment to us all, citizens ...